If you lost your (Mailwatch) login password, you can change the password if you can gain access to MySQL.
Execute the following modified command (replace <YourUsername> and <YourNewUserPassword>):
/usr/bin/mysql -u mailwatch -p`cat /etc/EFA-Config | grep MAILWATCHSQLPWD | sed 's/.*://'` mailscanner -e "UPDATE users SET password = md5(**'<YourNewUserPassword>**') WHERE user=**'<YourUsername>**'"
If you don't know the username anymore you can check all users with the following command:
/usr/bin/mysql -u mailwatch -p`cat /etc/EFA-Config | grep MAILWATCHSQLPWD | sed 's/.*://'` mailscanner -e "select * from users"
lost_password.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/25 09:35 by darky83