Table of Contents
Building eFa
If you cannot use one of the available VM images you can manually build eFa your self using kickstart. Note that this is only for experienced users and should be avoided for normal usage unless you really have to.
Warning: Building eFa should only be done by users with extensive Linux knowledge.
Kickstart is used to start the installation/build of eFa which downloads all required components from git/e.f.a. and build the system. You will need the following requirements:
- Centos 6.9 x64 minimal boot cd:
- Atleast 30GB of harddrive space
- Active DHCP server
- 4GB memory
- 35 GB disk
- 1 nic
- Active internet connection (About 0.5 ~ 1GB will be downloaded, depending on the needed updates.)
- Free access over the internet (minimum is http/https access)
- A bunch of free time
- Coffee
Warning: All data on your hard drive will be lost when starting an build, make sure your drives are allowed to be formated!
Depending on the speed of your system and internet connection it might take from 15 minutes to over a few hours to build E.F.A. so be prepared to wait a while.
Start building
bootup the system from the CentOS netinstall boot cd
At the 'Welcome to CentOS (grub) screen press 'tab' to edit the boot line.
append the following to the existing line: ks=
Press enter
The building will start, after a while you will see that the post installation-scripts are running, these might take a while!
After a while the system will automatically reboot and will be ready.
Make sure to dismount the CentOS CD when the installation is completed.
Warning: Do not stop the installation when the post installation-scripts are running, this is the longest part of the installation and might take over a few hours!**
If you want to see what is going on switch to another console screen and tail the /mnt/sysimage/var/log/EFA/build.log file.