Migration Guide from eFa v4 to eFa v5
Migrating from v4 to v5 is possible using the backup and restore functionality of eFa.
The process involves doing the following:
Initial preparation (fact gathering)
Preparing v4 appliance
Preparing the v5 appliance
Shutting down the v4 appliance
Configuring the v5 appliance and running a restore
If successful, all databases will be transferred to v5 with upgraded schema and compatible settings will be transferred.
Before migrating, please document the following on your v4 appliance:
Username used to log into console
IP address, netmask, and default gateway
domain name
admin email
(hint: look in /etc/eFa/eFa-Config for these facts
v4 Appliance Preparation
Log into v4 console
Make sure you are up to date, install any missing updates
Enter Maintenance Mode
Drop to shell
sudo systemctl stop postfix (to halt mail flow)
sudo eFa-Backup-cron -backup
sudo chmod -R o+r /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine (to loosen permissions for copy)
sudo chmod -R o+r /var/eFa/backup/* (to loosen permissions for copy)
sudo sa-learn –backup > /root/backup.txt
sudo ls /var/eFa/backup (get the name of the backup file for the next steps)
v5 Appliance Preparation
Build a v5 using any means with sufficient storage
Do not set it up yet (if no DHCP, set a temporary static IP using NetworkManager, nmtui or nmcli)
Start eFa first-time configure (Y/n) → n
rsync -av <v4user>@<v4ipaddress>:/var/eFa/backup/<nameofbackup> /var/eFa/backup (where <nameofbackup> is the name of the backup you generated during v4 preparation)
chmod 600 /var/eFa/backup/<nameofbackup> (secure the backup file)
chown root:root /var/eFa/backup/<nameofbackup> (secure the backup file)
rsync -av <v4user>@<v4ipaddress>:/root/backup.txt /root
The following steps apply if you want to keep your quarantine
rsync -rav <v4user>@<v4ipaddress>:/var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/* /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine
chmod -R o-rwx /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/*
chown -R postfix:mtagroup /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/*
v4 Appliance Decommission
v5 Commission
Run through initial setup via
GUI or command line (log out and log back in, use same settings as the v4)
Let system reboot
Log into console
12) System Restore (Answer yes, 1, yes)
Let system reboot
Log into console and drop to shell
If your bayes database is blank in the MailWatch GUI after migration, run this:
If you use 3rd party virus scanners, those will need to be installed on the new appliance.