It is possible to run E.F.A. on a VPS that only grants you the option to do a bare installation of CentOS. Note that this is only for experienced users and should be avoided for normal usage unless you really have to. **Warning: Building E.F.A. should only be done by users with extensive Linux knowledge.** ===== Requirements ===== You will need the following requirements: * Centos 6 x64 minimal installation pre-installed * If you have the option partition the disk as: * 512MB EXT3 /boot * LVM Physical volume for the rest (call it vg_00): * 8GB / (call it lv_root) * 10GB /tmp (call it lv_tmp) * 4GB SWAP (call it lv_swap) * xxGB /var (call it lv_var) (the reset of your disk space) * Atleast 30GB of harddrive space * 4GB memory * Active internet connection (About 0.5 ~ 1GB will be downloaded, depending on the needed updates.) * Root access * Free access over the internet (minimum is http/https access) * A bunch of free time ===== Start building ===== - Make sure you have root access to the system and login as the root user (or su - root) - Make sure the system is fully updated: - ''yum -y update'' - Install wget & screen: - ''yum -y install wget screen'' - Get the installation script: - ''wget'' - Make the script executable: - ''chmod 700 prepare-build-without-ks.bash'' - Start a screen session: - ''screen'' - Start the installation: - ''./prepare-build-without-ks.bash'' - The system is now installed, depending on the speed of your internet connection and the speed of the system this can take a while, so sit back and let it run. ==== After building ==== After building the system you will need to follow the normal [[initial_configuration|Initial Configuration]].